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How to! Online booking requests

This section will show you how to get registered with us to request bookings online- This allows you to update your personal information and your pets information too!

Select the "to book" icon on the services page. From there you will be asked to register an account with us! Here, you can update your personal details and pets details(including pictures!) at your leisure! We do require an email and telephone number for you. For your pet, we need to be able to see their vaccination dates and who their vet and who your emergency contact is! once the information is there, it is stored securely. 

Once you're registered you can select the green "Add booking" icon to request your required dates. 

Booking this way allows us to send you both an invoice and a copy of our T&C's for your records.

As always, we would be happy to help out and will still be taking bookings via email and telephone as we have always done.


All bookings are subject to availability- they will be confirmed by the team and are not automatically set in stone- if you unfortunately receive a booking decline email, we will be fully booked for the dates you have requested.

Rescue Puppy

Online Bookings

Our online booking system is now re-open for customer use! â€‹

Prices per night (01/04/2024)

Day Boarding - £14.50

Adoptee Rate £16.50

Dog per night - £18.50

2 Dog sharing - £29.50

3 Dog sharing - £39.50

4 Dog sharing - £46.50

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